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1. Art is free
Art Intervention Forum values the freedom of creative expression uncensored

2. Art is devine intervention
Art Intervention Forum aimes intervine in places of establishment and challenge the status quo
3. All spaces are canvasas
Art Intervention Forum loves and supports street art
4. Art is Chance
Art Intervention Forum works with the element of chance in order to get the devine involved. RIP John Cage.
5. Art is making the invisible visible and the visable invisable
Art intervention forum loves the invisible. And creates Performances for those who happen to walk by.
6. Art is Collaboration
Art Intervention Forum works in friendship and loyalty together. We fight and we laugh, but at the end of the day its not about us. We collaborate with artists, scientists and dreamers.
7. Art is the beautiful and the ugly
we aim to create art that incorperates both and trancends styles.
8. Art is medicine
Art is healing. We operate under this principle.
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